Thursday, 2 May 2013

Urban Farmer Gals - UFG for short

Urban Farmer Gals - UFG for short

Yowzers!!  It has been a long time between posts!  Spring has sprung and life has been super busy as a result. 

Since my last post my 'seedlings' have been growing like crazy...they are almost ready for the garden.  Check out the pics below...they are beautiful!  I am so proud to have grown them and nurtured them myself instead of just buying the seedlings at a garden centre.  I can almost taste them already... One thing I noticed was that the tomatoes smelled like tomatoes almost as soon as they broke the surface of the potting soil. I wasn't expecting that from small seedlings (less than an inch high) they would have any scent at all. It was a pleasant surprise.

As I mentioned in a past post, one of my sisters and I are going to be sharing a veggie garden. Urban Farmer Gals is what we have dubbed ourselves...UFG for short. So that we could start planting some seeds my husband and I spent a weekend building our main garden and a smaller herb garden. Much frustration was vented using a mini sledge hammer to whack 12 inch spikes into the bed we made. We had a lot of fun.  The soil we used was a Jr bag of black earth from Big Yellow Bag.  It was easy to order...just called in, paid by credit card and they delivered it the next day to the exact spot I wanted it dropped.  We used the entire Jr bag for the main garden and the herb garden.  In hindsight, I should have chosen a regular size bag because we didn't have enough left over for a perennial garden we want to build as well. 
Tomatoes and peppers
Butter crunch lettuce

Main veggie garden
Herb garden

This week we got together to plot and plan where everything was going to go and then we planted seeds for carrots, green onions, butter crunch lettuce, romaine lettuce, mescalin mix, spinach, peas, basil, chives, parsley, cilantro and dill.  To plot the garden I found a 30 day trial planner available on the Old Farmers Almanac site.  There is lots of useful information on the site and the planner was fairly easy to use once we got the hang of it. It seems that our plans were a bit bigger than our allotted space however so we are going to run out of room for the tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and green beans.  To remedy that...the 3 planned perennial gardens at the side and front and back corner of my property are now going to have veggies mingling with the flowers and shrubs. Not to mention the containers that will have herbs, peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce...yes you read that right...we are going to grow hanging baskets of salad!  Such fun we are having!! 

Veggie garden plan
Herb garden plan

Stay tuned for more pics and stories!  And until we meet again...Grow gardens not grass!

UFG's Unite!

1 comment:

  1. JOIN THE UFG!! lol

    So excited! Have I mentioned I'm very excited about the food garden?!
